Heartthrob for a campers heart Waldcamping Feldkirch

The 2025 season begins on April 17, 2025 - reservations can be made at any time using our contact form .

Please note that from November 1, 2024, our reception will only be open part-time and therefore a response to your request may take some time.
However, we will definitely get back to you.

We wish you a good time and stay healthy,
Your team from Waldcamping Feldkirch

Camp in the midst of an idyllic nature

It would be almost impossible to invent such a scenery. Whoever comes to our Waldcamping to have a carefree holiday can immediately breathe deeply.

Here you will find price lists, opening hours, request form and you can book your stay online.

Prices Opening hours   Camping facilities & camping pitches Campsite Map Request form Reservation Form Key facts

Eingang und Rezeption
Eingang zum Zeltplatz
Grillplatz im Waldcamping
Kioskgarten beim Waldcamping
Rezeption und Kiosk im Waldcamping
Ein Badetag im Waldbad
Der Sprungturm im Waldbad
Die Einfahrt zum Waldcamping
Livemusik im Waldcamping
Blick zu den Stellplätzen im Waldcamping